Only got 3 hours of sleep, than had to get ready come to school for SC. Meet the SC teachers, Justin, Stella, Andrea, Fai and Diana to discuss about the Investiture. Gathered the rest of the councillor in the hall. Allocate the sec 2s, into their pairs. Walk in and sequence for the badge. I like the moving in and when the sec 2s go up to take their badge. Looks cool. haha. Keep rehearsing.
The rest went home while the sec 3s have to come back to do planning after lunch.
I really feel SC should organise events such as CIP for SC or CCA leaders. Take up Talent Quest as our projects also, so that our student councillors are really trained and when we step down there will be a lot of memories. Its just about, whether we are care to do all this or not.
Btw results for Mid-yr and Presidential coming out trow.
Mid-yr will be screwed!
Presidential- Whether its Diana or Justin. They deserve it. Lead SC with pride!
Quote of the day:
"In Love, you have to trust..
You have to be willing..
Don't ever topple down..
In Love, two hearts become one.."
Okay, stopping here!
Thats all! Byes!
Stay Tune!